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Five Steps in the Journey of a Novel

In late August, 2019, I received a letter of interest from Evolved Publishing regarding a new novel, DEEP MUD, (magic/realism)

Here are the subsequent steps I took with David Lane, CEO, in order to get my novel ready for the market.

1. Dave asked to Skype with me. Imagine that—a publisher that actually wants to have a one-on-one conversation with the author about the process. We talked for two hours. Dave outlined the philosophy, procedure, his expectations, marketing strategies, cover art and editing schedules. He informed me that he publishes about 1% of the work he receives. In other words, Dave is a serious publisher. After our conversation, he asked if I would be interested in signing on with Evolved. I said yes.

2. Dave sent my contract. I read it carefully, and signed. Then, he said that he would personally edit the first three chapters of the novel. When I got his edits back, I was very impressed. His comments were right on target, and his eye for detail was amazing. I accepted his changes, and sent them back.

3. Dave assigned me to my editor, Katherine McIntyre and asked for a 3-way Skype so that the three of us could discuss the process, deadlines, and expectations. This call lasted about an hour. By the following Wednesday, I received the first five-chapter increment, filled with Kat's edits, suggestions, and perceptions. She not only read the book, she immersed herself in it. She did what great editors do—she made my writing better.

4. Meanwhile, Dave assigned me Kabir Shah to illustrate the cover. Kabir sent me a questionnaire to help guide his hand In creating an eye-catching cover for DEEP MUD. A week later, he sent five possibilities. I chose one. It was sent to Dave for final approval. He made a few suggestions, and changes were made. Kabir sent the final back to me for my approval.

4. Every weekend I took Kat's edits and advice, redrafting, fixing, and smoothing out. Chapter-by-chapter, week-by-week we worked together. Then, on Saturday, November 2, it was done. I can honestly say that the entire process has been the most professional I've ever experienced with a publisher.

5. Now comes the marketing part of the journey. Yet, I'm sure that Dave has a plan for this too. He has unburdened me from relying solely upon myself. I'm happy to follow his advice. Having such an amazing team for the publishing process is such a joy. The results will speak for themselves in December. The finished product will appeal to a large audience, profits will be made, and I finish another novel this summer.

When DEEP MUD bubbles to the surface in December, I hope that you will purchase it and post a review. Thanks to my team at Evolved, it will be well worth the investment.


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